Sunday, February 2, 2014

Guess Who's Back...

While I'm tempted to expand on the title with Eminem's "Without Me" lyrics, I'll save you a day's worth of having that song stuck in your head.

I've been quiet for a while, and it's because I've been trying to figure out what I want to do and where I want to go with this blog.

It started out as a class project, but since the subject matter is something that I'm passionate about, I really wanted to continue utilizing this web space to keep myself involved in music and writing, as well as provide a service to my many, many dedicated readers. Kidding. At least about the readers part.

It may be a few days to a week before I post again. In that time, I think I may try to rework the page a little and give it some direction.

So, Internet, if you're reading and have any comments.... I'm all ears.
